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Exhibition "Humor y tinta: retratos de Julio Cortázar y Carlos Barral en el 60 aniversario de Rayuela" at the seu Vilafranca del Penedès CRAI

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Seu Vilafranca del Penedès CRAI


In the proceedings of the II International Congress 50 years of the Calafell Boom. Carlos Barral and ... Julio Cortázar, at the CRAI Campus Catalunya you can visit the exhibition "Humor y tinta: portraits of Julio Cortázar and Carlos Barral in the 60th anniversary of Rayuela".

This exhibition shows caricatures of Cortázar and Barral, made by various artists from around the world on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Cortázar's death and the 60th anniversary of the publication of Rayuela. These caricatures are accompanied by fragments of the work Rayuela, the result of an event held on June 4, where several fragments of the work were chosen at random among the participants.

Organized by: Department of Romance Philologies of the URV.

Promotion of the URV's participatory budgets from the campus CRAI

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Campus CRAI

What would you allocate €50,000 towards? The URV has launched a participatory budgeting campaign aimed at students of the university community. Until 30 November, proposals for projects to improve the University can be submitted.

During this period, the CRAI joins the promotion of the initiative through a roll-up that will circulate through all the CRAI of the campus.

Submit your proposal!

Exhibition "100 years of the Revista de Catalunya and the figure of Antoni Rovira i Virgili" at Catalunya campus CRAI

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Catalunya campus CRAI

On the occasion of the centenary of the Revista de Catalunya (1924-2024), the Catalunya campus CRAI has prepared the exhibition "100 years of the Revista de Catalunya and the figure of Antoni Rovira i Virgili".

The exhibition consists of 5 panels that explain the trajectory of the Revista de Catalunya through the multifaceted figure of Antoni Rovira i Virgili, founder and first director of the magazine. Special attention is also paid to his daughter Teresa Rovira Comas, who continues her father's extensive cultural legacy. The exhibition is complemented by a selection of copies from the Revista de Catalunya and works from the Antoni Rovira i Virgili Fund of the CRAI.

Taking advantage of the occasion, the Antoni Rovira i Virgili Collection Guide has also been published , which describes the content of the collection of works written by the author or that speak of him, which are available in the special collections section of the Catalunya campus CRAI. It should be noted that, recently, within the framework of a Catalunya campus CRAI project with the support of the Generalitat's Department of Culture, 47 of these works have been digitized and incorporated into the Digital Memory of Catalonia .

All of this is part of the proceedings of the Conferences of the Josep Antoni Baixeras Chair of Catalan Literary Heritage: "La Revista de Catalunya i la seva época" (October 16 and 23, 2024)" which, among others, have included the presentation of the facsimile edition of one of Rovira i Virgili's most important books: "The Last Days of Republican Catalonia" Published almost identically to the original by URV Publications, the edition includes an introduction entitled "University libraries and singular heritage" written by the CRAI librarian, Gema Duarte.

The exhibition can be visited from October 16 to 31 in the lobby of the Catalunya campus CRAI and is also available in virtual format . In addition, it is planned that it will travel through the other CRAIs of the URV.

Center of interest "Writers in the University" at the CRAI campus Catalunya

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Catalunya campus CRAI

On the occasion of the 6th edition of "Writers in the University", organized on October 17 and 18 by the URV Department of Romance Philologies, the Catalunya campus CRAI has prepared a center of interest on women writers participants in the meeting.

The exhibition, which can be visited in the lobby of the Catalunya campus CRAI from October 17 to 31, invites you to get to know the authors through their works and their way of understanding and experiencing writing, language or reading

The writers are: María Méndez Santos, Antonia Bueno, Care Santos, Juana Escabias, Coia Valls, Teresa Sagrera, M. Ángeles Urda, Berta Marsé, Mamen Horno Chéliz, Rosa Roig Celda. Mention is also made of the European " Women's legacy " project.

Exhibition "Ukraine, and now what?" at the Vila-seca campus CRAI

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Vila-seca campus CRAI

The purpose of the exhibition is to give visibility to the armed conflict. The set of images captures the cruelty of a war conflict that, unfortunately, has surrounded Europe in the middle of the 21st century, leading the viewer to reflect on the reality of Human Rights aimed at the war in Ukraine. We find images around people and homes.

This exhibition is curated by Mirades del món and has the collaboration of the URV Solidària.

Library Day (October 24, 2024)

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On the occasion of Library Day (October 24), the CRAI has prepared a very visual virtual interest center where you can discover:

  • " Libraries and books in literature, cinema and social networks ". Selection of books, comics, films, documentaries, series, social networks, booktubers, bookgrammers or booktokers made thanks to the collaboration of all the CRAI staff.
  • " Get to know our libraries ". It contains the presentation videos of all the URV campus CRAIs.
  • What do we do at CRAI to be more sustainable? . Where we explain all the actions we must carry out at CRAI to become a sustainable library

The motto of this edition of Libraries Day is "For a more sustainable future" and wants to highlight the fundamental role played by all types of libraries (public, school, university, specialized and national/regional) in achieving the Goals of Sustainable Development of the 2030 Agenda.

More information on the official page about Libraries Day of the Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes .

Exhibition "Llibres, vins & art" at the Medicine and Health Sciences CRAI

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Medicine and Health Sciences CRAI

From Octuber 28 to November 14 you can visit the Medicine and Health Sciences CRAI exhibition "Llibres, Vins i Art". This exhibition is organized by Publicacions URV, and also includes Servei Lingüístic, Finca i Celler Mas dels Frares, Facultat d'Oenologia, Fons d'Art i Aula d'Art of the URV and the Office of Social Commitments.

The exhibition "Llibres, vins & art" is a tour of the books from Publicacions URV and the vins from the Celler Experimental Mas dels Frares of the Faculty of Oenology that contain works from the Fons d'Art of our University, and if they are reculllen the semblance of the artists.