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Exhibition "Ukraine, and now what?" at the Medicine and Health Sciences CRAI

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Medicine and Health Sciences CRAI

The purpose of the exhibition is to give visibility to the armed conflict. The set of images captures the cruelty of a war conflict that, unfortunately, has surrounded Europe in the middle of the 21st century, leading the viewer to reflect on the reality of Human Rights aimed at the war in Ukraine. We find images around people and homes.

This exhibition is curated by Mirades del món and has the collaboration of the URV Solidària.

Exhibition "Llibres, vins & art" at Seu Vilafranca del Penedès CRAI

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Seu Vilafranca del Penedès CRAI

From September 30 to October 15 you can visit the Seu Vilafranca del Penedès CRAI exhibition "Llibres, Vins i Art". This exhibition is organized by Publicacions URV, and also includes Servei Lingüístic, Finca i Celler Mas dels Frares, Facultat d'Oenologia, Fons d'Art i Aula d'Art of the URV and the Office of Social Commitments.

The exhibition "Llibres, vins & art" is a tour of the books from Publicacions URV and the vins from the Celler Experimental Mas dels Frares of the Faculty of Oenology that contain works from the Fons d'Art of our University, and if they are reculllen the semblance of the artists.

Exhibition "Humor y tinta: retratos de Julio Cortázar y Carlos Barral en el 60 aniversario de Rayuela" at the seu Vilafranca del Penedès CRAI

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Seu Vilafranca del Penedès CRAI


In the proceedings of the II International Congress 50 years of the Calafell Boom. Carlos Barral and ... Julio Cortázar, at the CRAI Campus Catalunya you can visit the exhibition "Humor y tinta: portraits of Julio Cortázar and Carlos Barral in the 60th anniversary of Rayuela".

This exhibition shows caricatures of Cortázar and Barral, made by various artists from around the world on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Cortázar's death and the 60th anniversary of the publication of Rayuela. These caricatures are accompanied by fragments of the work Rayuela, the result of an event held on June 4, where several fragments of the work were chosen at random among the participants.

Organized by: Department of Romance Philologies of the URV.

Promotion of the URV's participatory budgets from the campus CRAI

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Campus CRAI

What would you allocate €50,000 towards? The URV has launched a participatory budgeting campaign aimed at students of the university community. Until 30 November, proposals for projects to improve the University can be submitted.

During this period, the CRAI joins the promotion of the initiative through a roll-up that will circulate through all the CRAI of the campus.

Submit your proposal!