Exhibition "Humor y tinta: retratos de Julio Cortázar y Carlos Barral en el 60 aniversario de Rayuela" at Bellissens campus CRAI
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In the proceedings of the II International Congress 50 years of the Calafell Boom. Carlos Barral and ... Julio Cortázar, at Bellissens campus CRAI you can visit the exhibition "Humor y tinta: portraits of Julio Cortázar and Carlos Barral in the 60th anniversary of Rayuela".
This exhibition shows caricatures of Cortázar and Barral, made by various artists from around the world on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Cortázar's death and the 60th anniversary of the publication of Rayuela. These caricatures are accompanied by fragments of the work Rayuela, the result of an event held on June 4, 2024 where several fragments of the work were chosen at random among the participants.
Organized by: Department of Romance Philologies of the URV.
Center of Interest "World Logic Day" at Sescelades campus CRAI
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On the occasion of World Logic Day (January 14), the CRAI campus Sescelades has prepared a center of interest dedicated to logic. You will find books on logic, riddles and logic games. In addition, we offer you a sudoku to solve.
It is located in the Information area on floor 1.
Exhibition "10 years of the UNESCO Chair on Housing" at the CRAI campus Catalunya
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On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the UNESCO Chair on Housing presents a sample of its activity, projects, initiatives and publications that have been generated during these years of its existence.
The exhibition presents, through audiovisuals and information panels, how it has been an international reference in the study and promotion of the right to housing, leading academic, social and research initiatives and with several remarkable milestones achieved over the years that have helped public policies and access to decent housing.
A bibliographic sample of the collection "Derecho de la vivienda" (Housing Law) published by the publishing house Tirant is also presented, as well as the Housing magazine, of which a joint edition of the 20 issues that make up it has recently been made.
Exhibition "Portraits of Wine" at the Seu Vilafranca del Penedès campus CRAI
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Seu Vilafranca del Penedès CRAI
The exhibition Portraits of Wine collects the work carried out by photographer Maoz Eliakim in the cycle of profiles of oenologists who have trained at the Faculty of Oenology of the Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona. Landscapes, winemaking practices and diverse professional profiles, but with a single way of understanding wine: with passion and with the conviction that the bond with the land is as decisive as the art, craftsmanship, technique and science that come together when making wine.Jiménez, Dr. Mª José Rodríguez, Dr. Mª Isabel Calle, Dr. Lilica Voicu and Mr. Santiago Montes have participated in the organization of this exhibition.
I Online Training Cycle of the Web of Science database
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Virtual Training
The FECYT, together with Clarivate, has organized the I Online Training Cycle of the Web of Science database that will take place throughout the first semester of 2025, with the aim of publicizing the updates, changes and the novelties of this database, through several free sessions, in Spanish, of 60 minutes duration, and which will be developed during the coming months, at the rate of 3 sessions per month. The sessions offered for the month of January 2025 are:
January 21 (2-3pm): Journals and peer reviews in the Web of Science Core Collection (advanced level)
o How are journals in the Core Collection selected and evaluated?
o Browse the information available in the Master Journal List
o Peer reviews in Web of Science records and researcher profiles - January 22 (2-3pm): Highly Cited Papers & Highly Cited Researcher (advanced level)
o What is a Highly Cited Paper and a Hot Paper?
o How are Highly Cited Researchers selected and evaluated?
o Standardized indicators of the impact of citations in Web of Science
- January 23 (2-3pm): Preparing my application for research six-year periods (advanced level)
o Six-year periods: keys and strategies (Cecilia Correas)
o How to use the information in my researcher profile in Web of Science? (Anne Delgado)
As usual, remember that these sessions are open and aimed at all students, researchers and users who are part of any Spanish R+D+i institution with a WoS license.
You can consult all the sessions and formalize the previous registration through this link. The first time you access it, you will be asked to validate yourself in SABiDi with your university credentials. From here, you can choose the session or sessions that interest you. Use the institutional email of the URV when filling out the registration form. Once formalized, you will receive a confirmation email that you must save because it contains the link to be able to access the session on the day and time indicated. Please check your spam folder if you haven't received it.
All users who complete the courses and answer 100% of all online questions that will be asked live during the session will receive a satisfaction survey by email and, a few weeks later, the certificate of attendance.
The recorded sessions and training material of other courses will also be available for download on Web of Science and also on Scopus.