Exhibition "Portraits of Wine" at the Seu Vilafranca del Penedès campus CRAI
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Seu Vilafranca del Penedès CRAI
The exhibition Portraits of Wine collects the work carried out by photographer Maoz Eliakim in the cycle of profiles of oenologists who have trained at the Faculty of Oenology of the Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona. Landscapes, winemaking practices and diverse professional profiles, but with a single way of understanding wine: with passion and with the conviction that the bond with the land is as decisive as the art, craftsmanship, technique and science that come together when making wine.Jiménez, Dr. Mª José Rodríguez, Dr. Mª Isabel Calle, Dr. Lilica Voicu and Mr. Santiago Montes have participated in the organization of this exhibition.

Exhibition #FotoRecercaURV2024 at Vila-seca campus CRAI
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The #FotoRecercaURV2024 exhibition is a selection of images that show science, in its various disciplines, from different points of view: microscopic, general and those that highlight the protagonists of the research.
The 23 photographs that make up the exhibition have been selected from the Digital Photography Competition on Social Networks promoted by the URV and had to refer to any scientific and technical discipline, both related to research and innovation activities and to scientific dissemination and technological applications.
The exhibition has received co-financing from the Tarragona Provincial Council and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Center of interest "Traços Viatgers" at the CRAI Vila-seca campus
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Until February 7th you can visit the new center of interest that they have organized at the CRAI Vila-seca with the latest additions to the special collection Traços Viatgers.
Alaska, Australia, the Congo, North Korea..., all the places from A to Z in this collection hide a curious and fascinating history. Discover them through the art of illustration and drawing by consulting our catalog.
Travel around the world in a vignette!

Exhibition "Tables that speak" at the CRAI campus Catalunya
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The URV Art Classroom invites you to visit the exhibition by the artist Marta Roigé "Tables that speak" which opens on January 28 at 7 pm at the CRAI campus Catalunya.
The exhibition consists of a selection of tables decorated with everyday objects that speak of moments and emotions of the artist. Each work is accompanied by a text that contextualizes these moments and thoughts.

Exhibition "PALESTINE. More than 70 years of illegal occupation and 16 months of genocide and humanitarian crisis" at the CRAI campus Catalunya
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The URV x Palestine Committee invites you to visit the exhibition "PALESTINE. More than 70 years of illegal occupation and 16 months of genocide and humanitarian crisis" from February 3 at the CRAI on Campus Catalunya.
The exhibition consists of books about Palestine that are part of the CRAI collection as well as an infographic reviewing the history of this conflict and explanatory posters of the development of Israel's attacks on Gaza since October 2023.
You can help the Committee and receive its information by filling out the Form

Exhibition "Humor y tinta: retratos de Julio Cortázar y Carlos Barral en el 60 aniversario de Rayuela" at Vila-seca campus CRAI
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In the proceedings of the II International Congress 50 years of the Calafell Boom. Carlos Barral and ... Julio Cortázar, at Vila-seca campus CRAI you can visit the exhibition "Humor y tinta: portraits of Julio Cortázar and Carlos Barral in the 60th anniversary of Rayuela".
This exhibition shows caricatures of Cortázar and Barral, made by various artists from around the world on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Cortázar's death and the 60th anniversary of the publication of Rayuela. These caricatures are accompanied by fragments of the work Rayuela, the result of an event held on June 4, 2024 where several fragments of the work were chosen at random among the participants.
Organized by: Department of Romance Philologies of the URV.

Centers of interest "11-F. International Day of Women and Girls in Science"
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Campus CRAIs and online
On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the campus CRAIs have centers of interest with resources related to women and science. Movies, illustrated books, essay books and games are some of the materials that can be viewed and also borrowed.
In addition, a virtual guide has been prepared. It contains resources available at the CRAI on women scientists, a compilation on women and science at the URV and other links and materials of interest related to the subject.
These centers of interest are framed within the program of activities of the University for 11F.

I Online Training Cycle of the Web of Science database
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Virtual Training
The FECYT, together with Clarivate, has organized the I Online Training Cycle of the Web of Science database that will take place throughout the first semester of 2025, with the aim of publicizing the updates, changes and the novelties of this database, through several free sessions, in Spanish, of 60 minutes duration, and which will be developed during the coming months. The sessions offered for the month of February 2025 are:
February 11 (2-3pm): Identify centers and areas of excellence with Essential Science Indicators (advanced level)
o Interpret various indicators of academic impact
o Identify centers and/or areas with the best academic impact
o Discover emerging research topics with Research Fronts - February 12 (2-3pm): What's new in Web of Science? (advanced level)
o Overview of new features implemented over the last 6 months
As usual, remember that these sessions are open and aimed at all students, researchers and users who are part of any Spanish R+D+i institution with a WoS license.
You can consult all the sessions and formalize the previous registration through this link. The first time you access it, you will be asked to validate yourself in SABiDi with your university credentials. From here, you can choose the session or sessions that interest you. Use the institutional email of the URV when filling out the registration form. Once formalized, you will receive a confirmation email that you must save because it contains the link to be able to access the session on the day and time indicated. Please check your spam folder if you haven't received it.
All users who complete the courses and answer 100% of all online questions that will be asked live during the session will receive a satisfaction survey by email and, a few weeks later, the certificate of attendance.
The recorded sessions and training material of other courses will also be available for download on Web of Science and also on Scopus.

Exhibition #FotoRecercaURV2024 at Bellissens campus CRAI
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The #FotoRecercaURV2024 exhibition is a selection of images that show science, in its various disciplines, from different points of view: microscopic, general and those that highlight the protagonists of the research.
The 23 photographs that make up the exhibition have been selected from the Digital Photography Competition on Social Networks promoted by the URV and had to refer to any scientific and technical discipline, both related to research and innovation activities and to scientific dissemination and technological applications.
The exhibition has received co-financing from the Tarragona Provincial Council and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Exhibition "Smart Living" at the CRAI campus Catalunya
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How is technology transforming our cities? What ethical and social challenges does it pose? These are some of the questions addressed by the Smart Living exhibition, created by Professor Simon Rogerson, founder and director of the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility (De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom) and promoter of the most important conference on ethics and technology, ETHICOMP (ETHICs and COMPuters), which has held more than 22 editions since 1995.
The exhibition, organised by the Aula/Catedra Telefónica on Smart Cities URV-UB, opens on 20 February with an event in the Sala de Juntes on the Campus Catalunya of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili at 11.00 am, with the presence of the author, Prof. Simon Rogerson. It can be visited at the CRAI on the same campus until 14 March.
The exhibition is made up of four towers where visitors can reflect on the Ethics of Smart Living. Through creative art, digital life in cities is explored through poems, images, quotes and diagrams. Visitors will also be able to interact with the author via X (formerly Twitter) @srog5.
After its stay at the URV, the exhibition will travel to several universities throughout 2025, including the Pompeu Fabra University, the University of Barcelona, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, the University of León, the University of Castilla La Mancha, the Complutense University of Madrid, the Rey Juan Carlos University and the University of Alcalá de Henares.