Exhibition #FotoRecercaURV2024 at Sescelades campus CRAI
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The #FotoRecercaURV2024 exhibition is a selection of images that show science, in its various disciplines, from different points of view: microscopic, general and those that highlight the protagonists of the research.
The 13 photographs that make up the exhibition have been selected from the Digital Photography Competition on Social Networks promoted by the URV and had to refer to any scientific and technical discipline, both related to research and innovation activities and to scientific dissemination and technological applications.
The exhibition has received co-financing from the Tarragona Provincial Council and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Center of Interest "World Autism Awareness Day" at Sescelades campus CRAI
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On the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day (April 2), the CRAI campus Sescelades has prepared a center of interest on the subject. There you will find a collection of documents related to the subject, information sheets and the reproduction of some interesting videos.
You can find it on floor 1 (Dissemination area) of the CRAI Sescelades, until April 7.

Exhibition "Digital Metamorphosis. The Feminine and Surrealist in the Technological Age" at Catalunya campus CRAI
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The Alma URV Cultural Collective invites you to visit the art exhibition "Digital Metamorphosis. The Feminine and Surrealist in the Technological Age" by Yulia Lisyanskaya, digital artist and student of the Master in Strategic Communication taught at the URV.
The opening ceremony will take place next Monday, March 31 at 3 p.m. in the lobby of Catalunya campus CRAI.

Online Training Cycle of the Web of Science database
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Virtual Training
The FECYT, together with Clarivate, has organized the I Online Training Cycle of the Web of Science database that will take place throughout the first semester of 2025, with the aim of publicizing the updates, changes and the novelties of this database, through several free sessions, in Spanish, of 60 minutes duration, and which will be developed during the coming months. The sessions offered for the month of March 2025 are:
March 11 (2-3pm): Getting started with Web of Science (basic level)
o Accessing Web of Science with my institutional subscription
o Learning how to search for a subject
o Finding links to full texts - March 12 (2-3pm): Using Boolean operators and saving my queries in Web of Science (basic level)
o Working with a personal account to save my work
o Searching for a topic with Boolean operators
o Using my history to save searches and create alerts
o Saving and organizing documents in bookmarked lists
- March 13 (2-3pm): Identifying the most important publications with Web of Science (basic level)
o Applying filters to identify the most relevant results
o Taking advantage of the Citation Topics classification to narrow my search Search
o Highly Cited Paper, the most cited documents based on context
o Export a list of publications
As usual, remember that these sessions are open and aimed at all students, researchers and users who are part of any Spanish R+D+i institution with a WoS license.
You can consult all the sessions and formalize the previous registration through this link. The first time you access it, you will be asked to validate yourself in SABiDi with your university credentials. From here, you can choose the session or sessions that interest you. Use the institutional email of the URV when filling out the registration form. Once formalized, you will receive a confirmation email that you must save because it contains the link to be able to access the session on the day and time indicated. Please check your spam folder if you haven't received it.
All users who complete the courses and answer 100% of all online questions that will be asked live during the session will receive a satisfaction survey by email and, a few weeks later, the certificate of attendance.
The recorded sessions and training material of other courses will also be available for download on Web of Science and also on Scopus.

Face-to-face training on the Scopus database
On April 10th, we are offering Scopus training in English . The aim is to inform researchers, students and library staff of the updates, novelties and functionalities of this database.
The session will take place in person in the CRAI Sescelades campus training room.
To attend, you must register through this link . The first time you access it you will be asked for validation in SABiDi, use your university credentials.