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Centers of interest "International Day of Women and Girls in Science (February 11)"

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Campus CRAI and virtual

On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the campus CRAIs have centers of interest with resources related to women and science. Movies, illustrated books, essay books and games are some of the materials that can be viewed and also borrowed.

In addition, a virtual guide has been prepared. It contains resources available at the CRAI on women scientists, a compilation on women and science at the URV and other links and materials of interest related to the subject.

These centers of interest are framed within the program of activities of the University for 11F.

Center of interest "Chemistry and Ethics" at the CRAI Sescelades campus

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CRAI campus Sescelades

Coinciding with the XVI Green Chemistry Conference, organized by the Faculty of Chemistry, the Sescelades campus CRAI exposes the "Chemistry and Ethics" center of interest, made up of documents available at the CRAI related to the conference motto.