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Exhibition "Llibres, vins & art" at the Vila-seca campus CRAI

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Vila-seca campus CRAI

From June 10 to 19 you can visit the Vila-seca campus CRAI "Llibres, Vins i Art". This exhibition is organized by Publicacions URV, and also includes Servei Lingüístic, Finca i Celler Mas dels Frares, Facultat d'Oenologia, Fons d'Art i Aula d'Art of the URV and the Office of Social Commitments.

The exhibition "Llibres, vins & art" is a tour of the books from Publicacions URV and the vins from the Celler Experimental Mas dels Frares of the Faculty of Oenology that contain works from the Fons d'Art of our University, and if they are reculllen the semblance of the artists.


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