Support for preparing teaching materials and academic work
At the Factory you can:
- Borrow audiovisual material (video cameras, photographic cameras and audio recorders)
- Use multimedia and technological equipment (PCs, work pods, scanners, web cameras, DVD recorders, etc.)
- Use special software (video, photo and audio editing, document design and layout, etc.)
- Expert advice (specific software, use of the online campus, web 2.0 tools, etc.)
- Instruction in digital competences (preparing presentations, use of the interactive whiteboard, etc.)
Are you a member of the teaching and research staff? The Factory can help you with:
- Preparing teaching materials
- Editing images and videos for teaching
- Digitalizing documents
- Storing content
- Converting files into different formats
- Creating presentations for talks and posters for symposia and congresses
- Creating concept diagrams and maps.
Are you a student? The Factory can help you with:
- Using specific software and tools for doing academic work
- Using recording devices (video cameras, photographic cameras, audio recorders) and editing recorded material.
- Understanding tools that improve the presentation of academic work (on-line presentations, image processing, etc.).
- Digitalizing documents for academic work.
If you have any queries or need further information, get in touch with the online service Pregunt@.
Also, the On-line Factory is an active place for on-line information and work on IT issues and the learning and knowledge technologies.