What does CRAI mean?

CRAI is the acronym for Centre de Recursos per a l'Aprenentatge i la Investigació (Learning and Research Centre).
Is the CRAI a library?

The CRAI is much more than a library. It is a common area on which the services that support teaching, learning and research converge.
What services does the CRAI provide?

The CRAI provides a wide-ranging catalogue of services, different spaces and professionals.
You are a student at the URV. What can the CRAI do for you?
At the CRAI you will find:
- all the information you need about the URV.
- documentation, technological applications and courses for acquiring knowledge and skills.
- equipment and spaces you can use.
- assistance to improve your English, Catalan and Spanish.
- assistance to search for and find information.
- advice, support and resources to work better individually and as part of a group.
You are a lecturer or researcher at the URV. What can the CRAI do for you?

The CRAI provides you with a wide-ranging catalogue of services, technical advice and technological support to improve teaching and scientific output and its communication.
You are a member of the administrative and service staff. What can the CRAI do for you?

At the CRAI you will find resources for both personal and professional training.
Who can use the CRAI facilities?

The CRAI can be used by all the members of the university community. To access, you must have the URV card or the Friends of the URV card.
If you do not have the URV card, can you not use the CRAI?

If you are not a member of the university community and you do not have the Friends of the URV card but you need to use the CRAI, get in touch with the Information Point at the CRAI's front desk. If you have a good reason to use the CRAI and the CRAI can cater for your needs, we will allow you to enter the CRAI and use its services.
You are a student at the URV, but you haven't got the card. How can you use the CRAI?

Go to the CRAI's Information point. We will allow you to go in, and we will explain how you can use the CRAI and obtain the URV card.
You are a student or researcher from another Catalan university. Can you use the CRAI?

Students, professors and researchers from other Catalan universities can access the CRAI facilities with prior accreditation.
Where is the CRAI?

The CRAI provides online and face-to-face services at the Catalunya campus, the Sescelades campus, the Bellissens campus, the Vila-seca campus, the Terres de l'Ebre campus, the Medicine and Health Sciences Campus and the Baix Penedès campus. You can find contact details in the section CRAI: contact and timetables.